Submissions (Literary journal)
The Journal is now CLOSED for submissions.
Issue #11 due for publication on Saturday 6th January 2024.
We accept most genres and artistic mediums (see below for what we don't accept). If you are uncertain about a piece of work you are considering sending us please feel free to email your query and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible. During submission periods, this response will be within the submission window.
What we want:
Flash fiction up to 750 words (submit up to two (2) pieces.
Short story up to 3000 words (submit up to two (2) pieces.
This could be any of the following combinations - 2x flash, 2x short story, or 1x flash & 1x short story.
Please send up to five (5) pieces.
Maximum 50 lines per poem, including line-breaks.
Please send up to six (6) pieces. Artwork or photographs. Photography: no portraits nor modelling shots, please. We are looking for life through the lens, however you may perceive that. Innovative, tangential, obscure, we like. We accept JPEG's. Art: no fan art, but pretty much anything else.
General requirements
As of Issue #4 all prose/poetry submissions will be read blind. Therefore, there should be no identifying information on your document, neither in the .doc name nor on the manuscript itself. So, no name, no email address - just the title of the piece.
A covering letter with your manuscript/artwork attached to your email; emails to be addressed to:
Submissions received via Facebook or our contact form will be rejected.
We accept .doc and .docx, no pdfs please. We will also consider .odt files, but if we have difficulties accessing them we will request you sending them as .doc or .docx.
In the subject line please put: 'Submission - your name/byline - whether fiction, poetry or artwork - title.'
All prose manuscripts to be standard formatting, left margin justified, 12 point, except for headings/titles which will be 14 point and underlined, in Times New Roman. No Comic Sans or other funky styles please (we appreciate everyone is different and find different fonts easier to read; as we will be reading your work, this is our preferred font for reading). If there are specific paragraph breaks in your work, indicating a completely new section to the piece, do not double space it, identify it with '*'s. Three '*'s across the line to indicate the break of text.
Please include in your covering email an author's bio (3rd person), no more than 150 words. Please list separately any work that has been previously published, where and when.
Fiction submissions
Please remember all submissions will be read blind, refer to General requirements.
We accept simultaneous submissions, but if you are accepted elsewhere, please notify us as soon as possible that you are withdrawing your work.
We would be particularly interested in psychological (dark), thrillers, sci-fi and fantasy - these being the areas of interest for the editor-in-chief. While we don't run themed issues, you may wish to consider that Issue #6 will be launched in October, so ghost, paranormal & Hallowe'en stories will be considered.
Poetry submissions
Please remember all submissions will be read blind, refer to General requirements.
There is no set theme or subject for poetry. Free verse and form is fine, but however you put it together we want to read poetry that makes us sit up and shout ‘Wow’! We want poetry that makes us want to read it again and again, makes us shed a tear or laugh out loud, makes us feel something we didn’t expect – and it should do that in an interesting and original way.
Poetry should be previously unpublished.
We accept simultaneous submissions, but if you are accepted elsewhere, please notify us as soon as possible that you are withdrawing your work.
Artwork submissions
We are looking for original pieces. No fan art please. For publication we will require high quality pictures; if we like your work, but if the picture quality isn't up to scratch we will require better quality pictures.
We would be interested in photography, varied styles and mediums of art, including sculptures (images of).
What we don't want
No fan fiction or fan art, non-fiction or romance.
Nothing that is racist, homophobic, transphobic. Overt incitement of religious intolerance. We understand that the world has violence and profanity and we would expect to see that mirrored in the work if applicable, but not to excess. When/if appropriate for the story and/or character(s). We don't want to see the writer living vicariously through their fantasies. If you are uncertain about a piece, because you may think it's too dark, please email us to discuss it. We write dark here too and sometimes it's hard to know just how far you can push the boundaries.
No reprints/previously published work. If you have posted your work, or any part of it, on your blog, social media page or any other outlet then this constitutes first publication and therefore, disqualifies it for submission with us.
Please ensure you own the copyright on your work. We do not accept reprints unless specifically requested. Currently we will only be accepting manuscripts in the English language.
We take First World Electronic publication rights, exclusive for three (3) months. You are free to submit it to other agencies/publishers after three (3) months from publication date on our site. If accepted elsewhere please acknowledge the work as being first published by ASP publishing and the year of publication. We also take Archive rights in perpetuity; if you present your work to other publishers during this time you will need to make them aware of this fact.
In the event that your work is to be considered for inclusion in an anthology of best ASP stories, you will be notified in advance and separate contractual arrangements will be discussed with you. Anthology rights will be required by ASP for the inclusion of your piece. Anthologies will be available as both printed and/or electronic book versions. Author Royalties may apply.
ASP is a venture run by volunteers and for now we are unable to offer financial recompense for your work. We hope this will change as we grow, keep up to date on this by subscribing. All contributors will receive a free complimentary copy of the journal issue their contribution was included in, once the journal has been archived (this will be a min. of 3 months after initial publication).